Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Fourth Quarter Reflection

Product and Presentation

Our fourth quarter project was to create a product and present it in front of everyone in e9 using various things, such as ads, coupons, and a website. This project took all of fourth quarter to complete. Along the way, our group faced a few challenges. At first, we couldn't decide what our actual product would be, but we ended up going with purified water. Another challenge was that one group member decided that we would use everything he made, while nothing I personally made was put into the presentation. Overall, I was pretty proud of my work in fourth quarter. I feel that I could have done a few things better though. Next time, I would be more of a leader of the group, instead of only a follower. 

Class Time

I could have used my time better. I kept procrastinating, and I got all of my work done, but I just could have been more efficient. When I finished early, I just kept adding small details to my part of the presentation. Outside of class, I paint and sketch in order to make myself more prepared for the artistic part of e9. 


After one year of e-Comm, I feel that my strengths have expanded beyond what they used to be. I never thought I would like or even be decent at animation until I took this class. My abilities used to only be graphic design, but I feel that I would be able to do good in any of the four strands. 


I improved these strengths by practicing outside of school. I paint and draw in order to practice more for graphic design. Improving these strengths was easier than I thought it would be, all you have to do is practice a little bit each day. 


This semester, I loved getting to improve on all of my areas that needed help. I also loved getting to know the teachers a little better. If I could do anything differently, I would use my time more efficiently and be more productive. This semester, I learned that I'm not all too good at any of the strands, but with a little practice I could be a lot better. My main goal for next year would probably be   to practice more, and to decide which stand I like the most. e-Communications has been a great experience and it has made me realize all the trouble people who do this for a living go through. 

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